What is Corey Pearce Percussions involvement in Southern Ontario Marching Arts Collective?
Southern Ontario Marching Arts Collective (a.k.a. SO-MAC) is a Marching Arts competition and performance opportunity that is operated and owned by Corey Pearce Percussion. SO-MAC is a service provided by Corey Pearce Percussion.
Why is there no fee to register to be member ensemble of SO-MAC?
It doesn’t cost Corey Pearce Percussion anything for ensembles to register online, there fore there is no cost to the ensemble to register.
Why are cheques payable to Corey Pearce Percussion and not SO-MAC?
Corey Pearce Percussion is the business providing the opportunities provided by SO-MAC, there fore ensemble must make cheques payable to “Corey Pearce Percussion”.
Is there a competitive category for Elementary Aged Drumlines?
There is a stand still and marching category for Elementary School Drumlines and Independent Drumlines with elementary aged students.
PSB-SS = Percussion Elementary Scholastic Stand Still
PIB-SS = Percussion Elementary Independent Stand Still
PSB = Percussion Elementary Scholastic (Marching Class)
PIB = Percussion Elementary Independent (Marching Class)
Scholastic ensemble must only have students in elementary school that are in
the same school board or school district.
Independent ensemble must only have students in elementary school that are
in independent organization and performers can attend different school board or school districts.