Single Stroke
Drummers use 3 muscle groups to manipulate the stick: FINGERS, WRIST, and FOREARM. Each muscle group allows you to manipulate the stick in different ways which will greatly effect mobility, quality of sound, consistency, and overall musicianship. Manipulating these muscle groups in different ways will create different stylistic approaches. In this book, we will demonstrate the “Wrist Turn Technique”.
FOREARM - This is the largest
muscle group and acts as an
extension of the wrist providing
extra weight to your stroke. This
allows a wider range of motion
and helps in performing higher
stick heights.
WRIST - This is the medium
sized muscle group and is
the main driver of motion. All
strokes begin as a result of
the wrist turning and acts as a
hinge/axis to help rebound the
stick off the drum head.
FINGERS - This is the smallest
muscle group. Since the fingers
have a smaller rotation point,
they can move the stick faster
than the other muscle groups.
The fingers are unique as they
physically grip the stick.
According to the "Military Band - Basic Musician Instructional Guides" match grip is to be used when you are playing on a flat surface. Traditional grip is only used when you are playing on an angle like when using a sling.
Match Grip is the only grip C.I. Pearce will accept in the video to achieve this level. It is the best grip to build your skills with.
Download the lesson pack that supports the following videos lessons on the Free Stroke.
Let's put your knowledge to work!
The 1st exercise is 8 on a hand. Please take everything you have learned so far and put it to work for you.
Here is the sheet music for 8 on a Hand. Only play letter "A" and keep repeating until a member of the Educational Team instructs you to do so.



4 Bass

5 Bass
Play Along with the 4 Bass Drum Letter "A" Parts
When playing along with the tracks make sure you are standing up and marking time. Very important to also go over the checklist on the right.
Be able to play every tempo at all dynamic heights.
Eight on a Hand Information
and Check List

Eight-On-A-Hand Match Grip

Eight-On-A-Hand Quads Letter "A"

Submit for Evaluation.
Make a video of you playing
Eight-On-A-Hand at 90 bpm to a metronome.
Playing at a Level 4 (f) match grip.

Single Stroke
Evaluation Music
Upload your video to YouTube.

What the evaluator is looking for in your video?
Good consistent quality stroke. Including all the Free Stroke Guidelines.
Proper Match Grip.
Beads in the center of the playing surface, making a 90% stick angle.
Playing a consistent tempo.
Proper Down Stoke at the end of each measure.